May 2024. Andrea Selleri’s critical edition Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century British Culture: Volume 3 has been published by Routledge. A book launch of the whole series took place on 14 November.
September 2024. Ivana Bičak from ELIT has been awarded a fellowship to carry out research using a collection held at Durham University. More information here.
March 2025. ELIT student Aiman Adeel’s essay “A Marxist Reading of Frankenstein and ‘The Metamorphosis'” has been accepted for publication in the undergraduate journal Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism, and will be published in the journal’s winter issue.
April 2025. Atti Viragh’s coedited essay anthology, Mind and Embodiment in Late Victorian Literature, to be published by Edinburgh University Press. A book launch is planned on 16 April as part of the Philosophy and Literature colloquia series (see below).
The Department of English Language and Literature regularly hosts visiting speakers. Most are academics who come to present and discuss their latest research, but we have also invited speakers from beyond the academic world, such as journalist Hümeyra Pamuk and photographer Ümit Bektaş (R), who came from Reuters News Agency to discuss the relation of image and text with students taking an elective in ‘Literature and Photography’.
Invited departmental talks, Spring 2024
30 January 2025, 17:30 (reception starts at 17:00). Room B206. Cherry Kwok (University of Virginia): “Unsettling Tricks: E. Pauline Johnson’s Mohawk Artifice”.
12 February 2025, 17:30 (reception starts at 17:00). Room H232. Ashwin Bajaj (University of California, Irvine): “Redeeming Failed States: Allegory and the National Imagination“.
26 February 2025, 17:30 (reception starts at 17:00). Room H232. Madeline Read (University of California, Irvine), “‘It Will Be Like a Statue,’ or: Place and Utopia in London’s Theaters”
Ongoing series
At the moment two academic series are active: the Bilkent philosophy and literature colloquia series and the humanities seminar series (see below). Click here to view past events, which include theatre productions and poetry readings, as well as more academic events.
Bilkent Philosophy and Literature Colloquia
We collaborate with academics from the Universities of Rijeka and Wisconsin-Madison on the topic of “philosophy and literature”. We feature a range of invited talks, some of which take place on Zoom and some live. Click here to subscribe to these events and receive the links to the Zoom events. For further information, you may contact the organisers: Patrick Fessenbecker at, Andrea Selleri at, Iris Vidmar at, or Atti Viragh at .
Spring 2025 Events
- Discussion with the author. Wednesday 29 January, 17:30 (Zoom). Ruth Murphy (Sheffield): “Let Me Look Again: The Moral Philosophy and Literature Debate at 40“.
- Invited talk. Wednesday 19 March, 17:30 (Zoom). Sarah Ellison, “True Histories and Literary Celebrity: Charlotte Brontë and Josiah Henson”. Abstract TBA.
- Book launch. Wednesday 16 April 2025, 17:30. A roundtable conversation with the editors and contributors to Mind and Embodiment in Late Victorian Literature. With Atti Viragh (Bilkent), Marion Thain (Edinburgh), Pamela Gilbert (Florida), Amanda Paxton (Trent), and Colton Valentine (Harvard).
Fall 2024 Events
- Invited talk. Thursday 10 October, 18:00 (Zoom). Erin Greer (Dallas): “The Ideal of Conversation in Fiction, Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Criticism.”
- Book series launch. Thursday 14 November, 17:30 (Zoom). Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century British Culture (Routledge). A roundtable conversation with the editors. With Monika Class (Lund), Cian Duffy (Lund), Peter Garratt (Durham), Andrea Selleri (Bilkent) and Giles Whiteley (Stockholm).
- Discussion with the author. Wednesday 11 December, 17:30 (Zoom). Aaron Hanlon, ‘Explanation beyond Interpretation’, Philosophy and Literature 48.1 (April 2024): 165-184.
Spring 2024 Events
- Eva Dadlez (University of Central Oklahoma): “Just Kidding: The Problem of Humor and Moral Evaluation.” 21 March 2024, 17:30 (Zoom).
- Elisabeth Camp (Rutgers University): “Stories and Selves: A Twisted Love Story about the Meaning of Life.” 25 April 2024, 17:30 (Zoom).
- Derek Matravers (Open University): “Representations and Face-to-Face Encounters: Why They Matter for the Philosophy of Fiction.” 9 May 2024, 17:30 (Room H-232).
- Patrick Colm Hogan (University of Connecticut), “Gendered Virtues, but without the Gender: On Empathy, Shame, and Attachment Care.” 23 May 2024, 17:30 (Zoom).
Fall 2023 Events
- Anna Christina Ribeiro (Texas Tech University): “Thinking with Poetry.” 5 October 2023, 17:30 (Zoom).
- Jeanne-Marie Jackson (Johns Hopkins University): “Objectivity as Prophecy: The Long View from West Africa in 1903.” 2 November 2023, 17:30 (Zoom).
- Danila Sokolov (University of Iceland): “Beyond Matter: Lyric, Metaphysics, Form.” 14 December 2023, 17:30 (Zoom).
Spring 2023 Events
- David S. Coombs (Clemson University): “Walter Pater and Literature as a Sensory Experience”. 1 March 2023.
- Daniel Katz (University of Warwick): “Good Sameness: Ben Lerner’s Song of the Fungible.” 5 April 2023.
- Eileen John (University of Warwick): “Moby-Dick and Money as an Ethical Test.” 10 May 2023.
Fall 2022 Events
- Iris Vidmar Jovanović (University of Rijeka): “From Banned to Burnt for the Public Good: On the (Im)morality of Literature”. 12 October 2022. Abstract
- C. Thi Nguyen (University of Utah): “Art as a Shelter from Science”. 28 October 2022. Abstract
- Timothy Bewes (Brown University): “Free Indirect: The Novel in a Postfictional Age”. 9 December 2022.
Spring 2022 Events
- Joshua Gang: “Derek Jarman and Everything That is the Case.” 1 April 2022. Abstract
- Andrea Gadberry, “To Be Determined: On Literature’s Causes”. 28 April 2022. Abstract
- Joshua Landy, “I’m like a Helicopter: For a Two-Point Theory of Creative Imagery”. 10 May 2022. Abstract
Fall 2021 Events
- Dominic McIver Lopes, “Aesthetic Injustice: What It Is and Why It Matters.” 9 September 2021.
- Robert Pippin, “Do the Arts Contribute to Philosophy?” 5 October 2021.
- Roger Maioli, “Enlightenment Relativism: A Reassessment”. 21 October 2021.
- Matthew Sussman, “Virtue Aesthetics”. 25 November 2021.
- Toril Moi, “Wittgensteinian Literary Criticism? An Investigation of Stanley Cavell’s Essay on King Lear.” 6 December 2021. Abstract
Humanities Seminar Series
We host a series of talks by Ankara-based scholars illustrating some of their work in progress, with the aim of facilitating collaboration across faculties and universities for scholars interested in any field in the humanities. For more information, you may contact Andrea Selleri at
Fall 2024 Events
- Thursday 31 October, 17:30 (A130). Ayşe Çelikkol (ELIT): “Abstraction and Landscape Fertility From David Ricardo to William Cobbett”. Abstract
- Wednesday 27 November, 17:30 (V20). Patrick McDonald (AMER): “On Not Reading American Board Reports: Visualizing Missionary Activity in the Nineteenth-Century”.
Fall 2023 Events
- Stein Haugom Olsen (ELIT): “The Ibsen Matrix: How Not to Read Ibsen.” 15 November 2023, 17:30 (Zoom).
- Dennis Bryson (AMER): “The Discourse of the Developing Child and the Problem of Inequality: From 1990 to the Present.” 6 December 2023, 17:30 (room G-160).
Spring 2023 Events
- Kara McCormack (AMER): “Home. Family. Future: Authenticity, the Frontier Myth, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.” 22 March 2023.
Fall 2022 Events
- Esra Almas (EDEB): “Strangers in a Strange Land: Jewish Memories of Istanbul”. 28 September 2022.
- Seda Bahar Pancaroğlu (TOBB University): “Bringing back from the dead: Questioning Authors’ Agency in Postcolonial Biofiction”. 2 November 2022.