Frequently Asked Questions (ELIT 290 and ELIT 390)

Can I enrol in ELIT 290- 390 even though I am not in my fourth or sixth semester of my studies?


Yes, you can enrol in ELIT 290 and ELIT 390 from your second semester onwards.


How long should my internship need to be?


According to the Departmental Internship Rules and Regulations, the duration of each internship programme should be twenty consecutive working days. The duration of one internship programme cannot be split up between two summer terms.


Can I fulfil the requirements for ELIT 290 and ELIT 390 in the same summer term?


Yes, you can fulfil summer internship requirements for ELIT 290 and ELIT 390 in the same summer term. Those who are interested in doing so should note that the paperwork for ELIT 290 and ELIT 390 should be filled in and submitted separately both for enrolment in the spring semester and for completion in the fall semester.  Finally, please keep in mind that the internship durations for ELIT 290 and ELIT 390 should not overlap with one another.


Where should I do my workplace internships?


Please see the list of Companies and Institutions that Have Accepted Interns in the Past on our website. Alternatively, you can propose a company or an institution that is not listed here to the internship coordinators, who will review the suitability of the institution and make a judgement accordingly when you submit Form 1a.


Please note that the key to a successful and satisfactory internship experience is to propose a workplace that offers meaningful and helpful work assignments that allow you to learn more about a career through practice as well as to explore your potential with the help of a line manager who is closely interested in providing you with guidance and supervision.


Can I do my internship abroad?


Yes, you can do an internship abroad. If this is what you want to do, you need to secure a place by the 1a submission date and provide a letter of acceptance from the institution you are going to be doing your internship which you should submit with your Form 1a. Additionally, please note that while the university enrols and covers the national health insurance (SGK) of students who do their internships in Turkey for the duration of their internship, those who choose to do their internship abroad do not get national insurance coverage.


Can I do my internship as a research assistant for an academic?


No, academic internships are not viable options for ELIT 290 or ELIT 390.